Essential Service
Snow & ice management is an essential and (in most jurisdictions) legally-obligated service for property owners, businesses, and governments alike.
We patterned Plowguys after the long-established Canadian snow model, including hiring and training professional operators, having a predictable revenue model to stabilize and invest in the business, and where appropriate, using Ag tractors (not only trucks, loaders or skid-steers) mounted with plows and snowblowers.
Career Trajectory to Business Ownership
Snow & ice management is not a side hustle. It’s a mission-critical role in your local economy, with long-term, predictable revenue and growth opportunities.

Trained operators, SIMA members and presenters
Territory Managers learn the ropes pre-franchise
Get a paycheck snow or shine in most areas
Mobile aps built in-house to streamline operations
Laid back but get-things-done culture.
We care deeply about providing excellence to customers
State of the art including Metal Pless plows, Normand blowers and AG tractors
Icemelt Drop
Pallets of icemelt dropped in depots around urban areas
Route Density
Dense routes that minimize travel time for optimal work
Job Openings
We hire and train year-round.
It’s Tough Work, We Want Perks.
We love our staff and do everything to support them. And we think you’ll love working here.
Plowguys Card
Expense card for
fuel and incidentals
Free Food
An army marches on its stomach
Plowguys gear to keep you warm and stylish (sort of)
Cash Advances
Short-term cash advances against seasonal snow revenue
Equipment Loans
No-hassle loans from our affiliate. CommonMan Capital
Continuing Ed, including
SIMA Symposium invite