Snow plowing and shoveling
Dense routes of single-family homes—and good, long-term relationships—are how we cut our teeth in the snow business
  • Accumulation-based and monthly subscription options
  • Budget-friendly yearly spending caps
  • Weather alerts and service notifications
  • City sidewalk ordinance guarantee
  • Pet-friendly icemelt
In the Know, During the Snow
Get weather alerts, neighborhood ETAs and live announcements during a storm so you can get on with your day
Single-Family Plan
Plowing  |  snow-blowing  |   shoveling  |  deicing
Pricing Plans
Tiered Price Subscription Plan
Pricing for seasonal snow clearing is based on total winter accumulation. You receive a cash rebate after a light winter and pay more after a heavy one.
Pay Per Storm Plan
Accumulation-based plan where snow clearing is charged on a per-service basis and calculated on accumulation (in inches) for that particular snow event. Shoveling may be baked into the price or billed hourly
Early-Bird ( June 15th Deadline)
Up to 6 months
Key Dates
Oct 15th - Apr 15th
Snow Maintenance Term
Dec 15th
Snow routes are set and we no longer accept new customers
Snow Trigger
1-2” of snow or freezing precipitation (Snow Trigger is the minimum amount of accumulation required before plowing starts)
Bagged calcium magnesium mix or calcium chloride (on walks)

Tips for a Smooth Snow Season
  • Ask a neighbor for a referral. Single-family routes have to be dense. Snow contractors can’t travel far from house to house and keep everyone (themselves included) happy.
  • If you have a time constraint in the morning, communicate it upfront. Conversely, If you’re in “no hurry to get out” the morning after a storm, communicate that, so the contractor can plan your route (and you may even get a discount).
  • Play by their rules. Don’t ask “not to come” for an event. Don't ask for for a higher snow trigger. Snow contractors like to treat your route homogeneously to get into a routine. 
  • If it can wait, let it. Iron non-essential things a few days after a snow event when you and your contractor have had time to recharge. Finally, be kind ♥️. A good relationship with your plow guy goes a long way.
Check availability and get a quote.
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